Resin Distribution Incorporated
The Right Resin. The Right Price. The Right Time.
We deliver quality.
About Resin Distribution
You have the right to expect more than resin from your plastic supplier. That is why RDI is structured to provide a full range of technical, manufacturing, and follow-up service. We help you select the right resin, deliver it on time, see that it is competitively priced and follow up to
make sure you were able to process it to your satisfaction.
We have developed alliances with the finest sources of resin in the world. We utilize the right combination of people, facilities, and locations to best serve the plastic processors in our marketplace. We maintain strategically located facilities to receive and handle railcar volume, where we convert to packages and bulk trucks for timely delivery to your plant.
RDI has a well-deserved reputation for quality and reliability, a reputation built by being a consistently dependable supplier to the plastics processing industry.
The right resin at the right price, delivered at the right time. We look forward to serving you and fulfilling your resin needs.